Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Installing Debian without any CD installer

I really wanted to install Debian on my machine but I didn't have any CD installer of Debian. I was thinking of downloading the image from the web, but unfortunately I didn't have any empty CD to burn the image.
Finally I found a very good page on Debian website, telling that it is possible to install Debian without any Debian CD. It said that Debian can be installed over the network as long as I have a working *NIX OS on my machine. It is a very good solution to me since I have Ubuntu already on my machine. Then I only need to create another partition for Debian, follow the steps, and then now I'm running Debian.

The complete instructions can be found here

There are some additional steps need to be done on my machine since the instructions above will only install Debian without the GUI.
Here are the steps:
1) Login as root
2) apt-get install x-windows-system-core
3) apt-get install gdm
4) apt-get install gnome

That's it. Have a nice try.

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